Early Childcare Australia Covid-19 Response

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Early Childcare Australia Covid-19 Response

Early Childcare Australia Covid-19 Response

Last updated 24/01/22

The early childhood education and care sector (ECEC), along with the rest of the community, is experiencing the impacts of the COVID-19 virus and the significant challenges it poses to the families, early childhood educators and providers of early childhood education and care services.

Do you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccines?

ECA is pleased to present a special webinar all about the COVID vaccines. Murdoch Children’s Research Institute’s Associate Professor Margie Danchin and Dr Jessica Kaufman shared their expertise at this special webinar for the early childhood sector held on 28 October 2021 and answered questions about the vaccines. The webinar covered the latest data on safety and effectiveness and provided vaccine recommendations. Strategies to promote the vaccines were also provided to help viewers feel confident to talk about the vaccines with those who may be hesitant to be vaccinated. Watch here.

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