Category: Early Education

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11 Oct

Early Education, Tips

Exciting benefits of process-art based learning

Exciting benefits of process-art based learning and how you can empower and engage children with this innovative approach as an Early Childhood Educator As an Early Childhood Educator, embracing process-art based learning can offer incredible benefits for children's development. Process art is an innovative form of art that prioritises the creative process over the finished product. When children engage in process art, they are encouraged to explore their creativity by…

25 Aug

Early Education

Importance of displaying children’s artwork on the wall

As an Early Childhood Educator, you play an important role in fostering creativity and imagination in young children. One way to do this is by displaying their artwork in the centre. Displaying children's artwork has numerous benefits. Studies have shown that early exposure to creative experiences encourages communication, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking in children. By displaying a child's artwork, you are not only giving them a sense of pride…

16 Aug

Early Education

Importance of Behaviour Guidance Strategies

Importance of Effective Behaviour Guidance Strategies for the Safety and Well-being of Young Children in Your Care Childcare service providers play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of young children under their supervision. Implementing effective gesture guidance techniques, such as redirection, can significantly enhance outcomes. Redirection is a technique that has been widely adopted by early childhood educators in Sydney, who are responsible for ensuring the safety…

18 Apr

Early Education, Recruitment

We recruit highly sought after candidates to provide best care and development for children

At Earlyhood we recruit highly sought after candidates to provide best care and development for children during more crucial years of their life. Why is it important? Early childhood education is a critical time in a child's life, as it lays the foundation for their future development and success. The first five years of child's life are particularly important, as this is the time when their brain is rapidly developing…

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